Friday, June 19, 2009

Former Officer Anthony Miller Pleads Guilty to Possession of Child Porn

Former Hastings police officer Anthony Miller pleaded guilty to two counts of possession of child pornography at a court appearance Thursday in St. Croix County, Wis.

Miller had originally pleaded not guilty to one count of possession of child pornography, in addition to a charge of sexual exploitation of a child, but the exploitation charge was amended Thursday to a second count of possession. He is scheduled to appear for a sentencing hearing Aug. 17.

According to the criminal complaint filed last December, Miller admitted to agents from the Wisconsin Department of Justice’s Division of Criminal Investigation that he downloaded, possessed and traded child pornography for approximately the previous two years, consisting of images of girls Miller estimated to be between the ages of nine and 15.

Former Hastings police officer Anthony Miller pleaded guilty Thursday June 18 to two counts of possession of child pornography.

The two charges are felonies and carry a combined maximum sentence of 50 years in prison and a $200,000 fine, in addition to a $500 court surcharge for each illegal image.

Miller, a New Richmond, Wis., resident, resigned from the Hastings Police Department in January after an 11-year career with the department.

According to Wisconsin Department of Justice officials, Miller admitted he used his personal laptop to view child pornography while on duty as a police officer. Miller said he obtained Internet access via unencrypted wireless signals from various locations throughout the Hastings area.


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