Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What Are You Afraid Of?

"Police ask to carry own rifles" (Arizona Republic, November 24)

"Phoenix police union officials are proposing that 200 senior officers be allowed to buy their own semiautomatic rifles to use on the job after some said they felt more at risk and asked for additional firepower."

Pretty dangerous out there, eh, boys? In 2007, in fact, two officers were killed on the job, whereas 2008 has seen a whopping one on-the-job death. From an automobile accident, which no doubt could have been prevented had there been a semiautomatic rifle at hand.

Naturally, you guys are afraid -- according to the Officer Down Memorial Page website, the Phoenix Police Department has been fairly plagued with on-the-job deaths. Thirty-four -- that's thirty-four officers have been killed in the line of duty, fifteen of them by gunfire, since 1925. That averages out to -- let's see; .41 deaths per year.

According to the Arizona Republic, about 76% of Phoenix officers surveyed said that the job "has become increasingly violent since they graduated from the police academy." I'm sure it has. The use of percussion grenades, battering rams, armored vehicles and assault rifles against suspected drug users and their families has increased by quantum leaps in the past decade.

Think about this...If you get a bigger weapon, the 'bad guy' is going to try and get an even bigger weapon, and then you feel the need to getter a bigger and badder weapon, and then the 'bad guy' ....you get the picture. How big does your weapon have to be? Where does it finally stop? There is another way, and it's not a better weapon than the Jones have.

Since you are the ones causing the violence, I'm pretty sure that arming yourselves with even more weapons isn't going to improve matters. It might make you feel safer, but I was under the impression that we pay, and trust, you to protect us. You remember us, don't you -- the public?

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