Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Judge Felts Recieves PULBIC REPRIMAND for Pleading Guilty to Drunk Driving

The Indiana Supreme Court has decided a public reprimand is the appropriate disciplinary action for Allen Circuit Court Judge Thomas J. Felts who pleaded guilty to drinking and driving last year.

July 18, 2008 Judge Felts was arrested in Marion County for Operating a Motor Vehicle with an alcohol content of at least .15, which is a misdemeanor. He was also arrested for public intoxication, also a misdemeanor.

In August, Judge Felts plead guilty to the OWI charge and the state dropped the public intoxication charge. A judge sentenced Felts to one year in jail and suspended the sentence for the time served. Judge Felts was also ordered to serve one year probation, have his driver's license suspended for 90 days and attend alcohol treatment.

Judge Felts could have faced a suspension or even lost his seat on the bench.


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